Traumatic events are difficult to live through. In a perfect world, the trauma you faced would be over as soon as the negative life event ends. Unfortunately, trauma can have far-reaching consequences. People who have sustained trauma often develop trauma responses. Post-traumatic stress disorder is common among people who have lived through all types of trauma, from war to abuse. Even car accidents can give a person PTSD.

The road to healing can be long, difficult, and frustratingly nonlinear. While you're looking for a way to heal yourself, you may want to consider yoga. Here are four reasons you should develop a yoga practice to help yourself cope with your trauma.

1. Trauma-sensitive yoga is available

Novices should start their yoga practice in a classroom. Yoga classes teach beginner movements and basic principles that will form the foundation of your yoga practice. A teacher will provide instruction that can keep you from hurting yourself accidentally. In order to do this, yoga instructors provide verbal and hands-on instructions. People with PTSD often have more pronounced startle responses. Trauma-sensitive yoga teachers like those at Juanita Giles LLC are aware of this. They will ask for permission before making adjustments in order to create a more comfortable environment for all students.

2. Yoga can help you reclaim ownership of your body

Some traumatic events involve a violation of a person's bodily autonomy. The recovery process involves reclaiming ownership of your body so you can feel safe and confident in your own skin once again. Yoga focuses on gentle mastery of your own movements. Developing control of your breath and muscles can help you feel at peace with your body once more. Yoga is gentler than many other types of exercise. It can foster kindness toward your body rather than the competitive spirit promoted by more aggressive sports.

3. Build strength

Although yoga is a method of exercise that utilizes gentle movements, it is quite effective at conditioning the human body. A regular yoga practice will strengthen all of your muscles. Gaining strength can help you feel safer. In conjunction with self-defense classes, trauma-sensitive yoga can help you become confident in your ability to protect yourself from danger.

4. Reduce feelings of depression and anxiety

Exercise is good for mental health. Regular yoga classes will provide much-needed exercise. Many people with depression and anxiety find that they feel better when engaging in routine movement. Any exercise that you like is a good exercise for you, since you're more likely to persist at enjoyable activities. If you enjoy trauma-sensitive yoga, continue to pursue it for the mental health benefits it can provide.
